Bridge the Gap Food Bank is open on a Friday by appointment, 9.30am to 2.30pm. In order to book in, please call the church office by 3pm on Thursday. Alternatively come along to our brand new Drop-in on a Wednesday, 11.30am to 2pm and we can book you in. At this drop-in, there will also be other agencies that can help you with any issues that you might have.
Bridge the Gap Extra is a community Café serving free food once a month. Some months the day will be themed and different agencies will be there. Our men's gathering group will join us some months with their laptops offering help with looking for jobs, form filling, CV's etc. All age groups are welcome to join us at BTG Extra the more the merrier!
Our non-sparring Boxing Club is held for both adults and children each week on a Wednesday. The aim is to provide a boxing club for the local community, combining exercise, nutritional advice and discipline. It will be a place where people can come to get fitter, increase self-confidence and discipline whilst becoming part of a non-judgemental community where people are encouraged and supported.
We are in partnership with Thames Valley Police to run our Boxing club. We are also very grateful to all our donors, without whom we simply could not operate.
In a safe and comfortable environment, these informal sessions provide an opportunity for those whose second language is English, to practice and improve their spoken English whilst making new friends. Sessions are free of charge.