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The Treehouse Pre-School is set in a purpose-built facility with provision for up to 38 children aged from 2 to school age.

We are part of Southcourt Baptist Church as well as the local community and close to central Aylesbury. We provide a loving, supportive and welcoming environment for families in which our children learn and grow through play and child led learning and where every child matters. Our professionally qualified, friendly and experienced staff, led by our Leader, Charlotte, are all experienced in Early Years development and trained in paediatric first aid. We are inclusive, welcome diversity and offer very affordable fees for those not eligible for funded childcare.

Are you missing out on 30 hours of government funded childcare?
Click here for more information


Click here for our latest Newsletter




Monday 17th to Friday 21st February

February Half Term

Monday 24th February

Inset Day

Tuesday 25th February

Back to Pre-School

Thursday 6th March

World Book Day - Fancy Dress! - dress up as your favourite book character (Animal themed - All staff will be dressing up too as animals from our favourite books)

Friday 4th April

Break up for Easter - closing at 12.30pm for all children

Monday 7th to Monday 21st April

Closed for Easter holidays

Tuesday 22nd April 

‘Stay & Play’ - 9.30 to 11.30am

Wednesday 23rd April 

Back to Pre-School

Monday 5th May

Bank Holiday - Pre-School closed

Monday 26th to Friday 30th May

Closed for May half term

Friday 18th July

Last day of Pre-School

Monday 21st July

Graduation & End of Year Party (Details to follow nearer the time)

Our Term Dates run in line with Buckinghamshire Council. If you wish to look at dates further in advance please look at their website.


We operate a waiting list which you are able to join at any time. We have three intakes a year: Spring Term, Summer Term and Autumn Term.


Our fees are presently £6.50 per hour for non-funded children. Invoices are issued to parents on the 1st of each month and you are given two weeks in which to pay this. We do charge for illnesses, absences and any holidays as we have to employ our staff on a termly basis.

We require 1 month's notice should you decide to remove your child from our setting. Please provide this in writing.


2 Year Funding

We take children who are eligible for 2 year funded provision. You are able to check with Buckinghamshire Council to see the eligibility criteria and make an application at: Buckinghamshire Council.

If you are eligible you must provide us with your eligibility code before your child starts at the setting.

3 & 4 Year Funding

Your child will be eligible for funding the term after their third birthday. A funded place entitles your child for up to 15 universal hours each week and an additional 15 extended hours per week if you qualify for the 30 hours government funding. Visit Childcare Choices.

If you are eligible for the extended offer you must let us have your eligibility code together with your National Insurance Number prior to the start of the term for which the extended offer applies.

Help Us By Donating!!!

If you would like to donate to Treehouse Pre-School please use the following bank details:

Lloyds Bank / Sort Code: 30-90-38 / Account number: 00364838



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He has come so that we may have life and have it to the full!