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"Welcome to the online home of Southcourt Baptist Church, I'm glad you found us.

Hopefully, you will be able to get a good idea of the what, who and why of our life together as a church along with how you can connect with us - in a more than just 'virtual' way. So, have a bit of a flick through then get in touch - I'm looking forward to meeting you!"

David Graham [Lead Pastor, SBC]

Sunday Celebrations

It would be great to see you Sunday morning at 10.30am.

Everyone is welcome!

Our Vision, Values and Beliefs

For more information on what we are about as a church, please click here to browse through our Vision, Values and Beliefs E-Book

Church Life

For more information on what is going on at the moment within the church, please click here to browse through our Church Life E-Book!

Find Us


Southcourt Baptist Church
40 Penn Road,  Aylesbury, HP21 8HW

Treehouse Pre-school
1 Coxhill Way, Aylesbury, HP21 8BF





Church Office Phone :
01296 480080

Treehouse Pre-School Office Phone :
01296 434541


Find us on Google Maps click here

Social Media

He has come so that we may have life and have it to the full!